Contaminated Blood Products Group Litigation

The Contaminated Blood Products Group Legal Action, "Jason Evans & Others" is currently stayed at the High Court.

If you or a family member have been affected by Hepatitis C and/or HIV via the use of Contaminated Factor VIII / IX in the 1970's / 1980's then you should contact Collins Solicitors on 01923 223324. For more information visit:

Chronology of the Infected Blood Products GLO

  • The cut-off date was extended again, as of 2024, claimants can still join the GLO.

  • By April 2020 the cut-off date by when claimants must join the case had been extended by six months.

  • On 30th November 2018 both parties agreed to a stay of the Group Action, in light of the Infected Blood Inquiry.

  • The first Case Management Conference was held on 1st February 2018, anonymity was granted to all claimants except Jason Evans, and, an application by the claimant(s) for disclosure of documents from the defendant was granted.

  • During December 2017, The Honourable Mr Justice Martin Spencer who was appointed as the Judge for the case.

  • On 1st November 2017 the Group Litigation Order was sealed. You can view the order here.

  • On 26th September 2017 permission was given for a Group Litigation Order in respect of the Contaminated Blood Products (Factor VIII & IX) Litigation case "Jason Evans & Others v Secretary of State for Health". At that time there were over 500 potential litigants consisting of surviving victims and also family members of those who have died in the United Kingdom.

  • It was at this point (11th July 2017) that the Prime Minister announced a Public Inquiry into the Contaminated Blood Scandal. 1 week after the Group Litigation Order was lodged at the High Court.

  • Interest in the legal case grew quickly and it was reported by the national press. Some 400 potential claimants subsequently sought representation from Collins and on 4th July 2017 they applied for a Group Litigation Order from the High Court.

  • In Mid-May 2017 (ahead of BBC Panorama: Contaminated Blood The Search For The Truth) it first became public knowledge that Jason had instructed Collins Solicitors of Watford to bring a Civil litigation claim against the Government.

  • On 19th April 2017 the Department of Health were notified by Collins Solicitors that Jason Evans intended to take legal action against the Government in respect of his late Father, Jonathan Evans.

What is the Infected Blood Products Group Litigation about?

In the 1970’s and 1980’s, thousands of people in the UK with a bleeding-disorder called Haemophilia were infected with Hepatitis C and over a thousands of them were additionally infected with HIV as a result of using clotting factor concentrates.

As the chronology above outlines, in 2017 a legal action was brought by Jason Evans (Founder of Factor 8) in respect of his late Father (Jonathan Evans) who was one of the victims. Shortly after notifying the Department of Health of his intention to bring such a claim, it was expanded into a group legal action and Jason was quickly joined by hundreds of victims and other family members in being represented by Collin Solicitors in the matter.

In terms of the defining legal issues, the action seeks to establish the duty of the defendant, whether any such duty was breached and weather any such breach amounted to misfeasance in public office. The full list of defining issues issues is more detailed and can be viewed here:

Can I join this legal action if I participated in the 1990 HIV Litigation?

Yes. Two of the defining issues in this litigation question whether or not any discontinuance in the HIV Haemophilia litigation is binding on the claimant and also if it is unconscionable for the Defendant to rely on it.

How do I join the blood products legal action?

You should contact the lead solicitors in the case whose details are provided at the top of this page.