Infected Blood Compensation Framework:

A Campaign Chronology

For years before Factor 8's Compensation Framework Exercise campaign, many people had called on successive governments to pay full compensation to victims and families of the infected blood scandal. All of those attempts, over decades, had failed.

Our success in proposing and achieving a compensation framework exercise would prove to be the key that ultimately unlocked the door to compensation. Below, we outline a brief chronology of events.


Factor 8's founder, Jason Evans, attended a meeting (along with others impacted by infected blood products) at the Cabinet Office with the then Paymaster General, Oliver Dowden, and health minister Nadine Dorries.

At the meeting, Jason presented Factor 8's proposal that a compensation framework exercise should begin to minimise potential delays in compensation following the final report of the Infected Blood Inquiry. 

Jason pressed Oliver Dowden to commit to agreeing to such an exercise immediately, but Dowden refused. However, some others present did support the proposal, and Dowden later said he would consider the point made.


There was some media coverage following Oliver Dowden's refusal of an immediate commitment to a compensation framework exercise:


The Cabinet Office circulated the minutes of the 28th January meeting, which recorded the proposal made by Jason Evans. The minutes state: "One campaigner put forward a new request that the government commit to commence work now on a framework for compensation, to be implemented if and when liability is established."

6TH APRIL 2020

Factor 8 wrote to the leader of the Labour party, Sir Kier Starmer, outlining our proposal for a compensation framework exercise to begin and asking for his support.

23RD APRIL 2020

Factor 8 wrote to the Prime Minister, calling for progress on the compensation framework proposal. Factor 8 wrote to its members, asking them to forward the letter to their MP.

6TH MAY 2020

Factor 8 wrote to Penny Mordaunt, who had been announced to be the new responsible minister, calling for progress on the compensation framework proposal.

21ST MAY 2020

Penny Mordaunt wrote to Factor 8 apologising for not writing sooner and stating that she was committed to taking forward the actions from the January meeting.

23RD JUNE 2020

Penny Mordaunt wrote to Factor 8 apologising for the lack of communication and stating that she was committed to considering a compensation framework.

27TH JULY 2020

Factor 8 wrote to Penny Mordaunt, calling for progress on a decision to implement a compensation framework exercise.

On the same day, Baroness Margaret Ritchie wrote to the Cabinet Office, endorsing the content of Factor 8's letter.

28TH JULY 2020

Jason Evans published a video calling on Penny Mordaunt to act on the compensation framework proposal.


Factor 8 emailed Brian Williams (Cabinet Office official) advising that it was due to publish a press release over the lack of response on a compensation framework.


The Cabinet Office responded with a comment on Factor 8's press release which said inter-alia: "The Paymaster General has also confirmed that this work includes a framework for compensation before the inquiry reports".

Jason Evans called the Cabinet Office on the phone to confirm this significant step forward and to thank them for progress.

Immediately, the Cabinet Office retracted its statement and issued a new one which distanced itself from a commitment and said it was still "considering" the matter.

19TH AUGUST 2020

Penny Mordaunt wrote to Factor 8, stating that: "the government remains committed to considering a framework for compensation".


Factor 8 asked its members to write to their MP, asking Penny Mordaunt for an update on the compensation framework proposal. Resultingly, a number of MP's tabled questions: /


Factor 8 wrote to Penny Mordaunt, calling for progress on a decision to implement a compensation framework exercise.


Factor 8 wrote to Penny Mordaunt, calling for progress on a compensation framework exercise. Factor 8 also asked its members to forward the letter to their MP.

Resultingly, a number of MP's tabled questions: / / /

19TH MARCH 2021

Factor 8 asked its members to email The Treasury for an update on the compensation framework proposal.

22ND MARCH 2021

Factor 8 wrote to its members, advising them to email the Cabinet Office asking for an update on the compensation framework proposal.[UNIQID]

23RD MARCH 2021

Factor 8 asked its members to ask Penny Mordaunt on social media for an update on the compensation framework proposal.

25TH MARCH 2021

Penny Mordaunt announced in a written ministerial statement that a compensation framework exercise would take place.

14th March 2022

Sir Robert Francis KC delivered his compensation framework study to the government, having consulted with various stakeholders.

7th June 2022

The government published Sir Robert Francis KC’s compensation study.

29th July 2022

The Infected Blood Inquiry recommended that the government pay £100,000 in interim compensation to those infected (who are still alive) and bereaved partners registered with existing support schemes.

17th August 2022

The government announced that it was accepting the recommendation to pay £100,000 in interim compensation to those infected (who are still alive) and bereaved partners registered with existing support schemes. The announcement was criticised as being unfair because it excluded the majority of bereaved families, in particular, those whose children had died or those who had lost one or both parents. Some of those infected told the media that the announcement had increased their sense of survivors guilt.

October 2022

The government made the interim payments of £100,000 to those infected (who are still alive) and bereaved partners registered with existing support schemes. The Infected Blood Inquiry determined that around 2,900 people had died as a result of infected blood and blood products and interim payments were made to 900 bereaved partners, leaving some 2,000 deaths unrecognised.

17th January 2023

Steven Snowden KC (representing the majority of infected and affected core participants) submitted to the Inquiry in hearings that the Inquiry should make a further interim report to encompass a) An interim payment to those whose children or parents had died and b) the full and final recommendations for a compensation framework.

3rd February 2023

In response to the submissions of legal representatives, Sir Brian Langstaff (chairman of the Infected Blood Inquiry) announced he would publish a further interim report in relation to compensation before Easter 2023. On 29th March 2023 it was announced that the interim report would be published on Wednesday 5th April.

5th April 2023

The Infected Blood Inquiry published its second interim report, being its final recommendations on compensation. The Inquiry recommended a full compensation system be established before the Inquiry’s final report and that interim payments urgently be made in respect of deaths not yet recognised.

4th December 2023

An amendment to the Victims & Prisoners Bill forced the government to speed up its response to the Infected Blood Inquiry’s recommendations on compensation.

2nd May 2024

Jason Evans (Factor 8) met with the Paymaster General (MP John Glen) to provide input on the compensation scheme.

21st May 2024

The government announced its plans for compensation, the day after the Infected Blood Inquiry’s Report. Sir Robert Francis KC was announced at the interim chair of the IBCA (Infected Blood Compensation Authority) The government proposal, from that time, can be found here -

20th June 2024

Jason Evans (Factor 8), Tony Farrugia (The Fatherless Generation) and others met with Sir Robert Francis KC and the IBCA to provide input on the compensation scheme. Factor 8 provided a detailed submissions document.

23rd August 2024

The government published more detailed information regarding the final compensation scheme -